World Missions Courses
TH 303 Biblical Counseling
Students learn the principles of pastoral counseling, including answering a church member’s real-life problems with scripture, recognizing and obeying the power of Holy Spirit conviction, and other practical topics such as resolving tension in marriages and family, overcoming the bonds of sin, and more.
MI 204 Cults
A study of those groups who claim Christ as their head but reject the truth of Who He is, such as Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, Seventh-Day Adventists, and others. Class includes discussions of witnessing to those deceived by these groups.
TH 201 & 202 Hermeneutics 1 & 2
Students learn the theory and methodology of studying the scripture, including basic techniques of recognizing context and comparing scripture with scripture, along with an emphasis on making practical application of doctrinal truth.
MI 302 Missionary Finances
Build the skills necessary to manage incoming support, personal budgets, building projects, and all other aspects of finances while in a foreign field.
MI 203 The Gospels and Acts
A study of the daily missions works first of Christ and His apostles, then of the original apostles and Paul, as they spread the gospel to the known world in their own lifetimes.
TH 111 Church Ministries
Staff men from the Emmanuel Baptist Church of Longview, along with guest speakers, present the detailed workings of the ministries they lead and the practical, everyday workings of a local church; learn how to run a nursing home ministry, how to conduct a wedding, how to organize a church nursery, and so much more.
MI 201 Cultural Anthropology
Learn to effectively communicate the Gospel to a people not just of a foreign field but with foreign values and viewpoints.
TH 204 & 205 Homiletics
1 & 2
A practical course in preaching and in the various methods of systematic sermon preparation. In addition to classroom study, students preach in front of their peers as well as on street corners and in other common venues.
MI 200 Missionary Relationships
Students develop their skills both in presenting and reporting on missionary efforts to home/supporting churches, as well as building effective relationships with other missionaries in the same field and with foreign governments.
MI 205 World Religions
Study the major religions of the world, including Islam, Catholicism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and others, along with helps to win someone to Christ from these religions.
MI 202 Church Planting
Learn how to start new churches both in America and on the foreign field, including principles of evangelism, location, procuring facilities, financing, promotion, and organization.
MI 303 Deputation Principles
Students learn the necessary skills to raise their support from like-minded churches, including correspondence, scheduling meetings, personal presentations both spoken and by video technology, handling finances while on deputation, producing prayer cards, and other vital skills.
MI 101 Missionary Biographies
Study the lives and missionary works of great missionaries of the past and present, beginning with the Apostle Paul in the books of Acts and continuing to this present generation.
MI 102 Missions Methods
Students learn to present the Gospel and conduct mission work in a variety of cultures, integrating with foreign cultures without compromising Biblical standards and principles.